The Most Important Question to Ask about Your Capabilities

When considering what you would like to do in life, ask the right question to guide you. Don’t ask, 1) “How capable are you?” about (a subject)______. Rather, ask, 2) “How are you capable?” The first question,  “How capable are you?”  emphasizes comparison of your current skills to others, presents your ability or a specific score […]

How to Create Positive Experiences for Someone with Autism/Disability

When we are the one person that another with a disability relies on, how do we create positive life experiencrelies? “Each day I find I must have clear perception as my goal, that is clean windows not clouded by culturally conditioned beliefs. While this isn’t easy, it is the only way I know to stay focused […]

The Antidote to Ableism

Recently, I advocated for one of my clients who has autism. In this blog I withhold any names of people or settings to not reveal this individual’s identity. Today we experienced a closed door that ended his place there for the last 3 years. This was confusing because he always enjoyed it there and felt accepted. ‘Ableism’ […]

Today at 1- I will be a guest on Dr Andy McCabe’s radio talk show.

Today at 1 I will be a guest on Dr Andy McCabe’s radio talk show. I will talk about creating individualized career options for those who don’t fit within the typical boxes of finding and having work. Points include: How to identify what you are good at doing and what draws your attention. Two […]

Why Do Individuals with Autism Fail? Its not what you think.

“People with autism fall down because we have placed higher expectations on their social performance and cognitive expression above and beyond their emotional strength development.” Dr. Jackie Marquette Consultant, Speaker, & Author (use discount code: Index50) To receive daily posts and live chats visit: @JacqueMarquette

40 Things I Need Most: An Autistic 18 year Young Man

A few years ago, I interviewed and provided a consultation to a family and their 18 year old son. This was one of my case studies. The family was seeking The Capability Approach, my service, to establish appropriate resources, supports for their son, and guidance for transition out of school. The young man has autism […]

A Better Understanding of Autism Attributes

Individuals with challenges including autism have attributes that are positive and needed. But to the business world their challenges often appear to great. Self employment options have worked well for some who have found their niche using their strengths. Part of the reason to learn more about autism and other mental health impairments is not […]

How to get out of a rut and start pursuing your interests

An interest is something that draws your attention. Pay attention to what you are attracted to. Then take action toward participating in your interest. For example, if you enjoy a particular kind of music and you can sing and play an instrument, explore ways to pursue your musical interests. You can start practicing in the privacy […]

How Your Skills Relate to your Gifts

A skill is something you learn to do. It may draw upon a person’s gifts. For example if you learned to keep a checkbook, you may have a mathematical gift. A bookkeeper or accountant are careers that could relate well to your skill and gift. Dr. Jackie Marquette (use discount code: Index50) To receive […]

How to Turn Your Gift into A Talent

“Pursue it, chase after it, develop it, then refine it and never give up.” Dr. Jackie Marquette (use discount code: Index50) To receive daily posts and live chats visit: @JacqueMarquette