Be Who Your Are: 3 Actions to a Good Job Fit


Ask yourself these questions.

Do you feel frustrated, trapped, or dissatisfied with your job?

Are you are currently earning a college degree and looking for a part time job, or in the middle of transition from high school and will be looking for work soon?

Are you coming out of a crisis situation and seeking a job?

I will show you how to look at a job as it relates to  your level of job satisfaction. It is all based upon your personal preferences.

Regardless of where you are in your career life, just out of high school, or a seasoned employee in your field, learn about the benefits of identifying and considering your personal preferences for the purposes of having work effectiveness and enjoying job satisfaction. Try these three actions.

  1. Be self aware.

Don’t set yourself up for a job that couldn’t possibly workout out for you. For example, if you have a lot of anxiety around a busy chaotic setting, don’t accept it, instead look for work that can allow you to give your best. It is important to identify work preferences that enable you to do your job. There isn’t anything worse than going off to work feeling frustrated about the work setting, structure (i.e. working evening hours which you despise), or vulnerable to inadequate management because of the lack of support in the work culture.

In contrast, suppose you are seeking a particular job because it matches your interest and your enjoyment, for example, working outdoors tending to landscaping. This may seem perfect to you because you want to study landscape engineering!

However, once accepting the job you find major personal preference issues because the employer demands work at a fast and productive pace. This becomes difficult for you, because you begin to make mistakes which causes you great anxiety. Others involved may say,  “Toughen up, make the job work.” Their opinions do have some relevance, but the advice may not provide the complete solution that is best for you.

One of the most important things you can do is to know your personal preferences because they impact how well you think, make decisions on the job, and function, which are all tied to your job effectiveness and job satisfaction.

2. When considering a job you were offered, trust your instinct. Why? Because the best thing you can do is listen to your inner advice, sometimes called your gut feeling. It will give you good information about how well the job fits you.

3. Identify the personal preferences for a job that resonate deeply with you. Why? Because knowing your preferences is about taking an accurate self assessment. This is the first step in being in the driver’s seat choosing work that is best for you.

End Note:

I believe I have something unique to bring to the table, a strengths model to support personal preferences and emotional needs, the Capability Approach (CA). Within the CA, I designed the Marquette Strengths and Career Index, a self assessment tool to offer career possibilities that closely match the individual’s identified strengths in hard skill interests, self expression (multiple intelligences), personal preferences, and emotional strengths.

I listened to the voices of hundreds individuals with autism and their advocate/parents about how they found meaning and how they wanted to live their lives. Over three decades of study, my own research, private practice as a consultant through Office of Vocational Rehabilitation, I designed specialized career and life tools to facilitate getting the right job, pursue college, and/or to live interdependently. Additionally, I have a 39 year old son with autism who is an accomplished artist.  I used these strategies to help him create work and have a life he has enjoyed with meaning and purpose. We personally experienced many trials and errors with set backs and progress. My mission is to help people with autism live their adult lives, revolutionizing culture. The purpose is to create a new culture, much different from the past, impacting persons with disabilities from childhood through older adulthood years.

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Thank you for reading blog.

Dr. Jackie Marquette

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